Protect Room Rates & Increase RevPar

Elevate Your Total RevPar by Strategically Showcasing Unsold Inventory and Privately Attracting New Guests from Competitive Markets.

Lower occupancy April through September presents a RevPar growth opportunity

As is the case each year, hotel marketing and revenue teams work to increase occupancy during the shoulder and non-peak seasons to ensure full-year RevPar achievement.

All non-peak season marketing efforts MUST:

  1. Protect established room rates
  2. Avoid under-cut existing customer sales
  3. Build brand value and customer retention
Lower occupancy April through September presents a RevPar growth opportunity

As is the case each year, hotel marketing and revenue teams work to increase occupancy during the shoulder and non-peak seasons to ensure full-year RevPar achievement.

All non-peak season marketing efforts MUST:

  1. Protect established room rates
  2. Avoid under-cut existing customer sales
  3. Build brand value and customer retention

Travel Agents are under-utilized expert resource

The number of travelers relying on Agent advice and services is increasing. Cabo Listo! proactively engages top Agencies representing strategic demographics and new hotel customers.

  • 6,000,000 or 22% of U.S. travelers used a travel advisor, according to ASTA data. 
  • $37.7B total travel spend with Agencies in the US.
  • 53,000 Travel Agency businesses in the US.
  • 50% of travelers are more likely to use an agent, a 14% increase from 2022.

Take Competitive Market Share and Build Brand Value

  • The eastern US and eastern Canada typically travel to Cancun and the Caribbean islands as do many travelers from Mexico.  Cabo Listo! introduces an effective way to build a new base of customers and take share from these competing travel markets.
  • By targeting marketing efforts to new, strategic growth regions through non-public offers, Cabo Listo! facilitates RevPar improvement while protecting room rates and existing revenue sources.
Courtesy Los Cabos Tourism Board
Courtesy Los Cabos Tourism Board

Take Competitive Market Share and Build Brand Value

  • The eastern US and eastern Canada typically travel to Cancun and the Caribbean islands as do many travelers from Mexico.  Cabo Listo! introduces an effective way to build a new base of customers and take share from these competing travel markets.
  • By targeting marketing efforts to new, strategic growth regions through non-public offers, Cabo Listo! facilitates RevPar improvement while protecting room rates and existing revenue sources.